Our mission

 Innovation in neurosurgery that changes the lives of our patients.

At Instituto Clavel, we have a highly qualified medical team that is internationally recognized and specializes in neurosurgery. We work from innovation, using the most advanced technology and minimally invasive techniques to significantly improve the quality of life of our patients.

The values that drive us

The essence and purpose of Instituto Clavel are guided by values that define our personality and inspire everything we do.


Our vocation inspires us to move forward every day, to improve and find solutions. We always seek the best result for each patient at every stage of the process: from diagnosis, to treatment, and recovery. We constantly challenge ourselves to do better by reviewing our work and the way in which we work to make improvements that will lead to the best results for our patients.


We are pioneers in our field, committed to using the most advanced medical technology and the latest minimally-invasive techniques in order to guarantee the best results and rapid recovery for our patients.


Our daily actions are informed by an attitude of care and respect towards our patients and other members of our team. We put the patient at the center, focusing on the whole person, choosing the best treatment for their individual case, and accompanying them throughout the process so they can regain their quality of life.


We are driven by our commitment and passion for continuous improvement in neurosurgery. This is only possible thanks to our highly qualified team, our close collaboration with medical colleagues around the world, and our dedication to providing the best care for patients.


Through Fundación Clavel we bring our knowledge of neurosurgery to the people who need it most in places where its implementation is an urgent need. We collaborate in solidarity with hospitals in developing countries to improve the quality of life of their patients and promote the study of diseases related to pathologies of the spine.

Our team

At Instituto Clavel, we are a united team of committed professionals who give our best every day to provide our patients with an excellent experience. 

Our medical team is multidisciplinary, which enables us to treat each patient in a more complete way, taking into account different points of view to find the best solution. In addition, out team includes internationally renowned surgeons backed by extensive experience in spine and skull surgery.

Our extensive experience, together with the total involvement of all the members of the center, is what allows us to provide a high-quality medical service throughout the entire process, from the moment the patient contacts us until they have recovered. We all work with the goal of improving the lives of people who trust us to treat their problem.

Find out more about us!

Our centers

The Instituto Clavel has centers in Barcelona and Madrid, in the Hospital QuirónSalud and the Hospital San Francisco de Asís, respectively. In both, our offices are fully equipped with the latest technology to offer our services with a high quality of care. 

Our facilities are modern and adapted spaces, designed for comfort, so that patients and their companions have a pleasant experience. In addition, in Barcelona we work hand in hand with IC Rehabilitation, a center specialized in physical therapy and spinal rehabilitation that has specific facilities for the recovery of our patients.

Fundación Clavel

The foundation was born in 2013 with the aim of bringing neurosurgery to where they need it most, improving the quality of life of people suffering from neurosurgery pathologies in countries where they lack means. To achieve this we have two main lines of action: medical missions to the East African region and training grants in spine surgery.

In our medical missions, we train health personnel and collaborate in carrying out supervised surgeries for those patients who need it. We also donate hospital and surgical supplies. In this way, we contribute to the skills and knowledge of the local population so that the work can continue after our departure, and ensure that these patients continue to be cared for.

The grants for training in spine surgery are announced each year to attract qualified professionals from around the world to come for training at the Instituto Clavel. The purpose is to help improve their professional practice and, in turn, improve the quality of life of patients in their countries of origin.

Would you like more information?

Contact us so that we can give you a personalized assessment.

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