The foundation was born in 2013 with the aim of bringing neurosurgery to where they need it most, improving the quality of life of people suffering from neurosurgery pathologies in countries where they lack means. To achieve this we have two main lines of action: medical missions to the East African region and training grants in spine surgery.

In our medical missions, we train health personnel and collaborate in carrying out supervised surgeries for those patients who need it. We also donate hospital and surgical supplies. In this way, we contribute to the skills and knowledge of the local population so that the work can continue after our departure, and ensure that these patients continue to be cared for.
The grants for training in spine surgery are announced each year to attract qualified professionals from around the world to come for training at the Instituto Clavel. The purpose is to help improve their professional practice and, in turn, improve the quality of life of patients in their countries of origin.