Our team

When we ask our patients what it is that they value most about the IC Rehabilitation team, the answer is clear: our professionalism and the way we treat our patients. That doesn’t surpise us, because everyone on our team is highly qualified in their discipline, whether it be physcial therapy, osteopathy, active therapy, or nursing.

In addition, our staff also excels in the other powerful capacities that we consider essential at Instituto Clavel Rehabilitation: empathy, active listening and patient empowerment.

Next, we offer you you a little more information about each team member: their training background, professional experience, and what they are passionate about in their work.

Rehabilitation team

Laia Tarrés

IC Rehabilitation Director and osteopathy Coordinator


Our work with Instituto Clavel

Text: One of the key factors that makes our rehabilitation center different is that we work hand-in-hand with a spine and neurosurgery medical team. This helps us have a much more complete understanding of the patient's condition.

Our physical therapists work weekly with neurosurgeons and nurses in patient follow-up. They also go to the operating room periodically as part of their on-going training so that, together, we can offer the most effective treatments.



Contact us so that we can give you a personalized assessment.

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