

Understanding Juvenile Parkinson’s Disease: Symptoms and Treatments

When Parkinson's disease is diagnosed in patientes under the age of 21, it is referred to as juvenile Parkinson's disease (JPD), and when the onset occurs between the agees of 21 and 40, it is referred to as early-onset Parkinson's or young-onset Parkinson's. Although the symptoms are mostly the same at any age, younger people often experience the disease differently because of their unique life circumstances.

Most people who develop Parkinson's disease are over the age of 60, so it is often overlooked in young people, which can lead to many cases being misdiagnosed or not diagnosed at all.  

Once diagnosed, juvenile Parkinson's tends to have a much slower rate of progression than in older patients, partly because young people have fewer general health problems and have a better chance of getting more out of physical therapy treatments.  

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

One of the primary and probably best known symptoms is tremor, especially in the hands. It can appear while the hands are at

Parkinson's disease is a chronic neurodegenerative disorder that primarily affects motor function, although it can also impact health in other ways. This condition occurs due to the gradual loss of nerve cells in a specific part of the brain that produces dopamine, a neurotransmitter crucial for movement control. 

The main symptoms of Parkinson's are tremor when muscles are at rest, which may be mild at first and worsen over time; muscle stiffness and difficulty in movement; problems with balance and posture, (leading to an increased risk of falls); and other symptoms such as sleep disorders, trouble thinking or focusing, urinary incontinence... 

Symptoms of Juvenile Parkinson's

Although juvenile Parkinson's disease is similar in many ways to Parkinson's disease in older adults, there are some differences in symptoms and recommended management: 

  • Muscle stiffness and slowed movements. Muscle stiffness and bradykinesia (slowed movement) are notable symptoms, just as with older adults. 
  • Tremor. Although the tremor may not be as noticeable as in older adults, some younger patients may also experience tremors, especially in the hands or limbs. 
  • Problems with balance and coordination. Difficulty maintaining balance and coordination problems may be more pronounced in juvenile Parkinson's. 
  • Cognitive impairments. Some younger patients may experience cognitive problems, such as difficulties with memory, reasoning, and decision-making. 
  • Sleep disorders. Trouble falling asleep or maintaining a regular sleep pattern can occur as symptoms in young people with Parkinson's. 

You can learn about other symptoms of Parkinson’s disease that are less well-known in this article from Alimente: 

More about symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease 

Treatment for Juvenile Parkinson’s

Treatment for juvenile Parkinson's is similar to treatment of Parkinson's in older adults, although there may be differences in medication dosage and disease management strategies: 

  • Medications. Medications that increase dopamine levels in the brain may be prescribed to help control motor symptoms, being careful to adjust the specific medication and dosage to the patient’s sensitivity and ongoing development. 
  • Physical and occupational therapy. Physical and occupational therapy are critical for helping the patient to maintain mobility, flexibility, and independence in daily activities. 
  • Emotional and psychological support. It is important to provide an emotionally supportive environment, both for the patient and the family, because facing a diagnosis of juvenile Parkinson's can be challenging. 
  • Specialized medical follow-up. Ongoing follow-up with a medical team specialized in movement disorders and neurological diseases in children and adolescents is crucial. 
  • Education and planning. It is important to educate patients, their families, and caregivers about juvenile Parkinson's disease, and to plan for long-term treatment, making adjustments as needed. 

Instituto Clavel’s Brain Unit has expert medical professionals and the latest technology to successfully treat pathologies of the brain. If you need personalized attention or have any questions about the treatment of the disease, we are ready to help you. Contact us!


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