

"I refused to think that at age 45 I couldn't play sports or take my dogs for walks," explains Elena Lauer

Before Elena Lauer’s surgery at Instituto Clavel, she was unable to do such basic things as bend over to make the bed, brush her teeth, or sleep without waking up in pain every time she moved. She went from playing sports regularly to not being able to walk for more than an hour without pain. She herself contacted us to share her testimonial as a way to encourage more people to find help.

Often, it’s really helpful to hear from others who have faced a similar situation to your own. That’s what happened to Elena. When she was looking for the best center in which to have the surgery she needed to regain her quality of life, she found the stories of other patients that had had surgery at Instituto Clavel, and that helped her decide to take the plunge. After having her own surgery, she decided she also wanted to share her experience. 

How did your problem begin? 

I have had spinal problems for 18 or 20 years, but I was more or less able to control it thanks to sports and some treatments from the Pain Unit. At that time, they suggested surgery to me, but the techniques were traditional and the success rate was not close to 100%, so I didn't dare. 

Fortunately, I improved a lot until about two and a half years ago, when I caught COVID and at the same time began to get worse with a lot of constant low back pain. It got to the point that I could not bend or even just get by without constant medication. 

How did it affect your daily life? 

It affected me a lot. I couldn't even bend over to make the bed or brush my teeth. Something that you might feel is small and unimportant, until you can't do it. 

I went to rehabilitation, physical therapists, osteopaths, acupuncturists, chiropractors... They also gave me treatments in the Pain Unit, but I the pain had really been bothering me for about two and a half years, and I was unable to play sports, which is my great passion. I used to do martial arts, spinning, modern dance... I was really into those things and I hope to be able to get back to them. 

When I was travelling, if I walked for more than an hour, the next day I could barely move. So I decided that I had to find a solution, and no one offered anything that was less invasive. I asked for several medical opinions and they all agreed that the only solution was surgery. 

How did you find out about Instituto Clavel?  

Once decided, I went through the phase of choosing a surgeon and began to search the internet like crazy. I saw several interviews with Dr. Ignasi Català, Dr. Pablo Clavel, and other members of the team. I already knew that there was an anterior approach technique (through the abdomen) that offered faster recovery, and I found out that they did it. 

However, what really helped me make my decision was reading testimonials and comments from other patients, which is why I also wanted to tell my story to serve as a reference for other people who are going through the same thing. 

At first I thought they were only in Barcelona and I was willing to go there, but later I found out they were in Madrid, and that was even better for me! 

How did the process begin? 

The first doctor who evaluated me was Dr. Català. I brought him all my diagnostic tests and my medical history, and he told me a priori that the best alternative was surgery. However, he requested more tests to determine the best type of surgery, etc. Once they had those results, they explained everything to me and we began the paperwork. 

I knew very clearly that I wanted to have surgery. I am 45 years old and I did not want to continue with the poor quality of life I had then. I refused to believe that, at my age, I could no longer play sports or walk for hours at a time, or that I would have to live with constant pain. 

How did you feel during the surgery? 

The day of the operation, I was very nervous and frightened, despite the fact that I had already been through other surgeries in the past for other reasons. When they took me down to the operating room, I said goodbye to my partner and tears came to my eyes. 

But it was great, because in previous surgeries I remember that they left you waiting in a corridor in the operating room area which only makes you more nervous, but in this case, it wasn’t like that. As I went down to the surgical floor, the anesthetist was already waiting for me in the corridor, and greeted me kindly. As I fell asleep, I told him "take good care of me, please." 

When I woke up, I was in the ICU and the first thing I remember is Dr. Català and Dr. Sierra coming to ask me how I was feeling and to tell me that everything had gone great. They immediately took me up to my hospital room, and I felt almost no pain. 

The next day Dr. Sierra told me that it was time to get from the bed, and it was amazing! I felt like walking down the hall because I didn't feel any pain. 

How was your stay in the hospital? 

Everything was fantastic, every day (I was there for 4 days) someone from the team came to see me. I was pleased as punch with all of them, and with the hospital nurses as well.

You said that you used to play lots of sports. Have you been able to return to that now?

On weekends, which is when I have time, I walk through the mountains an average of 10 or 12 km a day, which was unthinkable before surgery. So far, the doctors have not recommended that I do more than that. 

In addition to my spine, I have a problem in my hips, and I’m doing rehabilitation for both. Although it is true that I have improved since I had the surgery, because before, I walked badly, my posture was not correct, and this had a negative effect on my hips. 

In fact, the last day I saw Dr. Català he told me that I could already do Pilates or yoga, but the physical therapist still won't let me. Better to go slowly. 

I want to take this opportunity to give thanks, in addition to Dr. Català and Dr. Mario Sierra for their help, professionalism, and approachability, to Instituto Clavel Rehabilitation in Barcelona. I had a virtual consultation with Daniel Pantaleon and then several follow-up calls with him. He is charming, and he recommended a rehabilitation in a center here in Madrid. They have been very interested in my progress and I feel like they are with me all the way. I’m making progress slowly, but surely. 

Do you feel any pain? 

Hardly, just some discomfort similar to sore muscles after sports. From what I have been told, the muscles have to adapt to the new situation. The truth is that it is so mild, I wouldn’t even call it pain. 

Before, to bend over to put things in the dishwasher, I had to be very careful because I would have an attack of low back pain every time I bent over, I had to call the hospital... It was a living nightmare. So now, every time I hear of someone who has back problems, but is afraid of having surgery, I think, if they knew what they would gain in quality of life, they would surely have the surgery. 

After having my surgery, I have shared the link to the Instituto Clavel web to so many people that they won’t be able to keep up! I'm at a loss for words, really. I can only say, this has changed my life. 

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