
Recovery after C5-C6 Cervical Hernia Surgery

The recovery process following surgery for cervical disc herniation usually lasts between four to six weeks. This recovery period is crucial, so Instituto Clavel has prepared this information to guide you through the process. 

As we know from the stories of patients who have undergone surgery for a C5-C6 cervical hernia, there is no single recovery formula for everyone. There are those who experience a quiet, uneventful recovery, and there are those for whom it does not go as well, for a variety of circumstances.  

In any case, the most important thing is that you follow the medical advice of your doctor and don’t try to find relief for pain or discomfort resulting from the operation on your own.  

Thanks to the continuous advance of medical science, the recovery time for cervical arthrodesis has been considerably reduced. Before, when a patient had this type of surgery, also known as spinal fusion, they needed to spend up to two weeks in the hospital, while nowadays, the patient can usually go home after 48 or 72 hours under observation.   

Before getting into our guidelines on how to achieve a safe and successful recovery, we think it is important for you to understand what happens to your body when you suffer from a C5-C6 cervical hernia. This type of pathology affects the C6 nerve root and causes radiculopathy.  

Radiculopathy due to  C5-C6 cervical disc herniation manifests itself with intense neck pain mixed with a kind of burning sensation that travels down the arm. It can cause muscle weakness in the upper arm and alter the force that allows the elbow to flex and raise the arm to the side. The patient may notice numbness and tingling that descends down the outer side of the arm and forearm until it reaches the thumb.

More about C5-C6 cervical disc herniation

At home after C5-C6 cervical hernia surgery

It is normal for the patient to experience pain, weakness or dizziness after getting home from the hospital. These are symptoms that should improve after a couple of weeks, and if not, should be checked by a doctor.  

In the case of cervical arthrodesis, patients can expect their recovery time to extend up to a month and a half. Of course, in every case, the length of time required for recovery is affected by the patient's condition before surgery.  

Getting in shape to return to work after a cervical arthrodesis will take time, so it's best to be take things calmly and deal with the necessary recovery process responsibly. After the month and a half recovery time has passed, you need to evaluate the level of physical effort your job requires before jumping right back in. If your job does not require strenuous physical effort, you will probably be fit to resume your work routine.  

Take the medications prescribed by your surgeon and, if you are receiving any other treatment for another disease, you can continue it as normal, as long as you have informed your doctor about it and they authorize it.  

The neck brace, which is usually soft, should be worn according to the instructions of your doctor. Usually it is prescribed for use at least during travel.

Healing about the incision after C5-C6 cervical hernia surgery

The care of the surgical wound, after a C5-C6 cervical hernia operation, varies according to the type of suture that the surgeon uses. Generally speaking, avoid getting the wound wet when showering or bathing, for at least the first 2 to 3 days after surgery.

The incision for cervical hernia surgery can be closed either with sutures or staples. This will depend on the size of the incision, the tension of the edges, the type of operation, and the surgeon's preference. For more information about care and healing after this type of surgery:

What is the scar like after cervical hernia surgery?

Check the incision every day and be on the lookout for any of the following signs. If your surgical incision shows any of these signs, it is best to see your doctor immediately: 

  • Redness and swelling
  • Leakage or discharge of fluid
  • It is warm to the touch
  • It re-opens 

The sutures on your skin should be removed after 7 to 10 days, although in most cases, the sutures used are the type that reabsorb naturally.  

Another thing to take into consideration is exposure of the wound to sunlight, as this can alter the healing process and cause excessive pigmentation of the scar. For this reason, once the first 15 days have passed after C5-C6 cervical hernia surgery, if the wound is going to be exposed to sunlight, we recommend you apply a sunscreen with a protection factor greater than 30 for at least 3 months.

Nutrition and healthy habits for recovery after C5-C6 cervical hernia surgery

Healthy habits, beginning with nutrition, are among the principle recommendations for optimal recovery after a C5-C6 cervical hernia operation. Proper nutrition, physical activity adapted to the patient's physical situation, getting sufficient sleep and rest, and keeping stress in check are some of the healthy guidelines to follow.

Three of the key healthy habits to observe after a cervical hernia operation are:  avoiding alcohol, eliminating use of tobacco, and watching your weight. Regarding what to eat, your body will need nutrients such as: calcium (dairy products and their derivatives and vegetables), phosphorus (eggs, cereals and meat), magnesium (green vegetables, fish, bananas...), iron (bivalve molluscs and oily fish), vitamin D (salmon, red meat, dairy...), vitamin K (dairy, spinach, broccoli...), vitamin C (fruits and vegetables) and vitamin B12 (animal products). 

After the necessary month and a half of rest prescribed for your recovery from surgery for a cervical disc herniation ends, it’s time to get back into the routine of things and back to work. But it will be important to take care how you go about some of your ordinary activities. For example, just the way you sit at work should change.  

  • Avoid sitting for more than half an hour at a time.
  • You should use a chair that adapts to the shape of your spine to keep from overloading it.
  • Position your computer or mobile at eye-level, keeping your back straight. 
  • Avoid holding your mobile with your shoulder and your head bent to it as you speak. 

Exercises and physical therapy for recovery from a C5-C6 cervical hernia

Personalized physical therapy will also be your ally on the way back to normal life; it will help you learn to move and perform activities in a way that prevents pain and keeps the cervical spine in its correct position. Our team of professionals at Instituto Clavel Rehabilitation will be happy to accompany you in this recovery process. 

Physical therapy and low-impact exercise, such as short and frequent walks, will be key in your recovery after the C5-C6 cervical hernia operation. Staying active will strengthen the muscles and prevent muscle atrophy.

Fortunately, most patients with a cervical hernia do not require an operation. Treatments such as infiltrations, cervical epidural infiltration, percutaneous disc decompression, or intradiscal radiofrequency, can help improve symptoms from four to six weeks. Exercise can also influence pain relief and quality of life for those with this type of hernia. Learn more about Non-Surgical Treatments for Cervical Disc Herniation.

Don’t hesitate to contact Institute Clavel if you have any questions!

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