
How to prevent back pain and keep your spine healthy

Experiencing occasional back pain is very common and can be caused by a variety of ordinary daily activities. Instituto Clavel would like to offer you some tips on how you can prevent back pain and keep your spine healthy. 

Back pain can be caused by injury, from a car accident for example, or a bad fall. However, most of the time, back pain is the result of some daily activity performed incorrectly and repeatedly. Actions as common as stretching, or getting up to reach an object, carrying home heavy loads of shopping, or sitting for long periods in front of the computer in the same position, can all cause low back pain. 

Common causes of back pain 

There are several risk factors that can contribute to back aches and pains. We describe some of them below: 

  • Repetition of certain movements, especially those that involve flexing, twisting, or tilting the spine without using the hips as a fulcrum, can cause back injuries.
  • Overexertion of your back, by lifting or moving heavy objects, for example, without first positioning the spine properly, is also a common cause of injury. 
  • Inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle or job, especially if you use poor posture or sit all day in a chair with inadequate back support can also cause back pain. 

5 daily habits to help prevent back pain 

Although determining the cause of back pain can be tricky, there are many things you can do to help relieve discomfort and prevent spinal injuries. It's about relieving pressure, reducing tension, protecting your spine, and strengthening the core muscles that stabilize your spine. 

Alba Manzano, a physical therapist at Instituto Clavel, explains how changing some daily habits can help you keep your back healthy and feeling good:

  • Use good posture while sitting.  Sit in a chair with proper back support and use a lumbar cushion to sustain the natural lower back curve. Make sure the height of the chair is such that your feet are flat on the floor, and your knees and hips are level with each other. Using good back posture when you spend many hours in front of a computer, whether at the office or working work from home, is essential. A good recommendation is to get up and stretch or move around at least once per hour. 
  • Lift weight correctly.  Lifting heavy objects improperly or carrying something that is too heavy, is one of the most common causes of lower back pain. Use your leg muscles to help you lift heavier objects. Bend your knees and lower your hips, keeping your back curved normally, not bent forward when lifting or carrying weight, and always hold the object close to your body. If you carry weight every day, such as a shoulder bag for your laptop, or a purse, or shopping bag, try to distribute the weight to both sides of your body, changing sides occasionally if needed. 

  • Eat well. Good eating habits not only help maintain a healthy weight, but also safeguard the body against unnecessary stress. A diet with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats, fish... can all keep your digestive tract working properly. Keep in mind that through food, we can reduce inflammation and pain, so opt for an anti-inflammatory diet. Staying hydrated is also very important.
  • Physical activity. One of the easiest and most important things you can do to prevent back pain is to get up and move! Exercise helps keep your joints moving smoothly and can help maintain a healthy weight. Being overweight, especially around the stomach, can put more strain on the back. Going for a walk every day is one of the simplest exercises for preventing and easing back pain, and stretching and gentle mobility exercises focused on the pain area can help decrease morning stiffness. 
  • Sleeping on your side. The best sleeping position for a healthy back is lying on your side, with a cushion between your legs, or face up with a cushion below your knees. Having the right mattress and pillow is also vital. If you must sleep on your stomach, put a pillow under your lower abdomen to help relieve stress on your back, but this position is not recommended, because it can be problematic for both the cervical and lumbar spine. 

Physical therapist Alba Manzano reminds us, "Committing to healthy lifestyle habits can help prevent countless pathologies. It puts you in charge of your health.” If you want some more tips on how to avoid back pain, click on the following article. 

Advice on preventing back pain

Back stretches

Four out of five people experience back pain at some point during the year, making it one of the most common reasons people visit a doctor. Back pain can take various forms, from a persistent dull ache to a sudden sharp pain, and it has different causes.

The good news is that most cases of low back pain usually improve within a few days or weeks, and surgery is rarely necessary. In addition, staring some daily habits like the ones we have described above, is surprisingly effective for preventing back pain.

At Instituto Clavel Rehabilitation we have a team of physical therapists specialized the spine, ready to help you improve your quality of life. You can get an idea of what they offer by watching this series of videos on guided stretches of the upper and lower body, and sitting stretches. The stretches will only take a few minutes of your time and will be a great help for relieving back discomfort.

Stretching exercises for your back

However, there are instances of back pain that require other treatment in addition to rehabilitation, such as in-patient pain treatments or surgery. Therefore, if the pain persists, we recommend that you consult a specialist. 

At Instituto Clavel we offer a range of treatment options for the back, from physical therapy to surgery, depending on the pathology and needs of each patient. If you need medical attention, do not hesitate to contact us for a physical examination.

Contact us here!

Categories: Prevention, Wellness, Back pain

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