How long does lumbago last, and how can it be treated?

Lumbago, or low back pain, is one of the most common spinal pathologies. In fact, according to the WHO, it affects 70% of the population. That’s why here at Instituto Clavel, we’d like to tell you more about it, including how long it lasts and how the pain can be treated.

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Advantages of endoscopic spine surgery

Spine surgery today is advancing constantly thanks to new, minimally invasive techniques. The goal of these techniques is to decrease the possibility of complications during surgery and to make recovery easier. In the following article, we explain all about endoscopic spine surgery, what it is, and what its main advantages are.

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Piriformis syndrome: causes, symptoms, and treatments

Also known as false sciatica, piriformis syndrome is a pathology that can cause pain and a tingling feeling from the buttock to the knee.

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What are the degenerative diseases of the spine?

To maintain a healthy, active body requires keeping our vertebrae, and the intervertebral discs that join them, in good condition. So, how can we prevent age-related deterioration? In this article, we will describe the main degenerative diseases of the spine that can affect adults, and what you can do to prevent them.

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Types of Treatments for Parkinson's

Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that produces tremor, and stiffness or postural instability, among other symptoms. There is no cure, but there are treatments to control the symptoms. In this article, we tell you what they are.

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These are the symptoms of spinal cord compression

Pain along the spinal column, weakness in arms or legs, and difficulty walking, are symptoms that should be taken seriously because they are symptoms that can be related to spinal cord compression. In the following article, we discuss this in more detail. 

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How do you know if your back pain is serious? Dr. Clavel responds.

Back pain may occur for a variety of reasons. In most cases, it is not serious and it goes away in a short time. However, there are other cases which require a visit to a specialist. Dr. Pablo Clavel explains what signs can tell you that your back pain may be serious. 

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