Does a sciatic nerve recover? Dr. Català responds.

Instituto Clavel wants to answer all your questions about pathologies of the spine and skull. On this occasion, Dr. Ignasi Català, neurosurgeon and Deputy Director of the Institute, talks about sciatica and its recovery process. 

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The spinal column and its most common problems

The spine is a solid bone structure that supports the body and allows it to move. It also has the function of protecting the central nervous system. At Instituto Clavel we are experts in the spine and we want to tell you more about it: its structure, its functions and the most frequent problems it can have.

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Osteoporosis: the highest risk factor for vertebral fractures

Osteoporosis is a chronic bone disease that occurs when bone loss is accelerated. This loss of density causes brittle bones, which can facilitate vertebral fractures. Although it is a very frequent problem that affects many people in the world, it is possible to prevent and treat it. We, at Instituto Clavel would like you to know more about it. 

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