How long does lumbago last, and how can it be treated?

Lumbago, or low back pain, is one of the most common spinal pathologies. In fact, according to the WHO, it affects 70% of the population. That’s why here at Instituto Clavel, we’d like to tell you more about it, including how long it lasts and how the pain can be treated.

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Causes of middle back pain

The middle area of the spine is the most rigid area of the back. It is estimated that one out of ten men and one out of five women suffer from middle back pain. What are the main causes of this kind of pain? Keep reading to find out more!

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Degenerative Disc Disease: Causes, Stages, and Treatments

Intervertebral discs can be thought of as spongey cushions, because they act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae, which allows the back to be flexible. However, as a result of wear and tear over time, or due to certain diseases, these discs can begin to wear out and degenerate. At Instituto Clavel, we would like to help you understand this pathology which can cause a person so much pain that it interferes with performing normal daily activities. 

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Benign brain tumor surgery: possible side effects

Although benign tumors are not aggressive in the way that malignant tumors are, if they are located in the brain or spinal cord, they can cause problems. If you have surgery for a benign brain tumor, what are the possible side effects? Here are the answers from Instituto Clavel.  

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Tips on recovery after lumbar spine surgery

The lower back is susceptible to a variety of injuries and problems that may end up requiring surgery. This area, the lumbar region, is the third main area of the spine, so we offer some guidelines here on recovery after surgery on this part of the back.   

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Cervical hernia: 7 activities to avoid

In this article, our medical team reviews some of the activities that you should avoid if you have a herniated cervical disc. Take note of this information to prevent unnecessary pain and keep your condition from getting worse.   

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Recovery time after a spinal fracture

The medical term “fracture” refers to the partial or complete breakage of a bone, anywhere in the body. When it occurs in one of the vertebrae, it is called a spinal fracture. If you want to know more about the recovery process after suffering an injury of this type, we invite you to continue reading this article.   

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