Does a sciatic nerve recover? Dr. Català responds.

Instituto Clavel wants to answer all your questions about pathologies of the spine and skull. On this occasion, Dr. Ignasi Català, neurosurgeon and Deputy Director of the Institute, talks about sciatica and its recovery process. 

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An innovative treatment to alleviate Parkinson's symptoms

Although there is no cure as yet for Parkinson's disease, thanks to ongoing progress in medicine there are ways to treat its symptoms and improve the patient's quality of life. One example of this is electrical stimulation, an innovative treatment we use at Instituto Clavel with highly effective results. In this article, we'll tell you about it.

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How to prevent injuries and muscle contractures in the gym

If you want to maintain a safe and effective exercise routine, it is important to be sure that your workout doesn’t injure your back. We asked our experts for some recommendations to keep in mind when working out, and in the following, we share their tips on how to keep from hurting your back at the gym. 

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Understanding Juvenile Parkinson’s Disease: Symptoms and Treatments

When Parkinson's disease is diagnosed in patients under the age of 21, it is referred to as juvenile Parkinson’s disease (JPD), and when the onset occurs between the ages of 21 and 40, it is referred to as early-onset Parkinson's or young-onset Parkinson's. Although the symptoms are mostly the same at any age, younger people often experience the disease differently because of their unique life circumstances. 

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How long does lumbago last, and how can it be treated?

Lumbago, or low back pain, is one of the most common spinal pathologies. In fact, according to the WHO, it affects 70% of the population. That’s why here at Instituto Clavel, we’d like to tell you more about it, including how long it lasts and how the pain can be treated.

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International Epilepsy Day: what you need to know

Epilepsy is a neurological condition that causes unprovoked and recurrent seizures. February 12th is International Epilepsy Day, and Instituto Clavel wants to raise awareness of epilepsy by sharing useful information about this brain disease.

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Signs and Symptoms of Childhood Epilepsy: A Parent's Guide

Childhood epilepsy is a neurological condition that can leave parents feeling anxious and uncertain. That’s why it’s important for parents to know the signs and symptoms of this disease, and how it can be treated, in order to provide effective support for a child living with this condition.  

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